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【数论讨论班】Random Models for Artin Twin Primes

【 发布日期:2020-12-08 】

题目:Random Models for Artin Twin Primes

主讲人:Ezra Waxman (Technische Universität Dresden)

摘要:We say that a prime number p is an Artin prime for g if g is a primitive root mod p. For appropriately chosen integers g and d, we present a conjecture for the asymptotic number of prime pairs (p,p+d) such that both p and p+d are Artin primes for g. Our result suggests that the distribution of Artin prime pairs, amongst the ordinary prime pairs, is largely governed by a Poisson binomial distribution. (Joint work with Magdaléna Tinková and Mikuláš Zindulka).


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